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Monday 28 March 2016

Reading Slumps

Hello everybody, recently i have been in a reading slum. Every book lover nightmare is a reading slump. If you don't know what a reading slump is, it is when you just don't feel like reading or when you can't start a book you read a couple of pages and you just can't seem to get into it.
Even though i have read four books this month i have really struggled getting back in the swing of my reading routine.
I thought i would share my tips of how you overcome a reading slump.

Tip one is to re-read a book or a series you know you loved. For me i will read a Rainbow Rowell book these always made me want to read afterwards, or i'll read the entire Throne of Glass series by Sarah J.Maas.

My second tip is to watch booktube videos i love watching haul videos its my favorite thing to do while in a reading slump. Also as i don't have much spare time you can get court up with videos that you have missed.

Going to book shops, I love dragging my friends around book shops and buying new books even though i don't need them.

My last tip is to not read, you should only read if you enjoy it don't read a book if you don't feel like it. Read because you want to.

Thank you for reading, if you have any tips on how to overcome a reading slump please comment down below